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Watch Certificate™, the turnkey solution for unrivalled watch protection.

Watch Certificate™, the turnkey solution for unrivalled watch protection.
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Watch Certificate™
April 2023

Today, watch investment is increasingly commonplace, and the importance of watch security is becoming a central topic for all watch owners. It's in this context that Watch Certificate™ steps in and becomes an ally for all watch owners and enthusiasts.

Watch Certificate™ is first and foremost a turnkey solution that includes watchmaking certification, insurance, full traceability of each watch or even complete documentation around the object such as market value accuracy or the history of the watch's life. All this is brought together in a watchmaking passport, called the Watch Certificate™. Thanks to this solution and the Watch Certificate™ technology, the company provides all watch owners with unshakeable peace of mind on a daily basis.

First Watch Certificate™ service: Watch certification

Watch Certificate™ offers the possibility of certifying your watch with a simplified and accessible procedure.

After purchasing your Watch Certificate™ on the site or from the partner watchmaker, you'll have just two steps to finalize the certification.

  • First, the cleanest partner watchmaker inspects the watch against 53 mandatory checkpoints and 8 HD photos of the watch. An NFT is generated and recorded in the blockchain.
  • An independent expert then receives the watchmaker's report and carries out a meticulous analysis of the control points, then completes and validates his appraisal. The NFT information is updated.

Your certificate is now active. After claiming your ownership by scanning the QR code on the Watch Certificate™, you can now view your certificate and gain access to all Watch Certificate™ services anytime.

Why certify your watch?

  • Above all, it is proof of the watch's authenticity. It reassures buyers for future resale of the watch.
  • Certification gives access to the watch's market value.
  • It will reassure insurance companies thanks to its market value and authenticity.

Second Watch Certificate™ service: Tailor-made international insurance

Watch Certificate™ offers specialized watch insurance available worldwide at a fair rate based on the exact value of the watch. It covers theft with assault and break-in, and accidental damage, thus enabling all watch owners to wear their timepieces with complete peace of mind, wherever they may be.

But how is Watch Certificate™ a 100% secure service?

Watch Certificate™ has implemented the most secure technology in the watch industry. Its watch passport is generated from an NFT (Non-fungible token), and registered in a public blockchain.

The NFT is a unique and indivisible object that cannot be falsified because it is unique. This NFT is inscribed in the blockchain, which itself is the world's most secure information storage and transmission technology. Thanks to this ultra-secure technology, Watch Certificate™ creates the watch's digital double, giving all owners proof of ownership of the object, which is unfalsifiable, scalable and allows the watch to be traced throughout its life.

Watch Certificate™ was rated by OpenGem, and had the highest possible score of 100/100 for its NFT technology, alongside Airbus.

What's more, Watch Certificate™ scrupulously complies with the strictest standards, including the European directive RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation).

Watch Certificate™, today what is it?

Watch Certificate™ continues to adapt to new technologies and evolve its solution to make it increasingly international and accessible to all.

It's fair to say that today Watch Certificate™ and its watch passport are indispensable allies for all watch owners, thanks to its turnkey, 100% secure solution.  


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