Watchmakers & Service Centers

The source of new customers
and additional revenue

Develop and retain your clientele, save time on a daily basis and increase your revenue with certification and insurance.

They trust us

Why Watch Certificate™ is unique

The network of excellence that brings you new customers
and increases your turnover in the long term.

Receive new customers

More revenue from new customers who find you in the list of authorized partners to service, certify or resell their watch.

Sell an innovative product

More income with the sale of a new innovative product. In addition to the sale, you get paid for each new inspection and update of a certificate.

Offer theft insurance

Offer an exclusive international insurance against theft and breakage.
You suggest it to the customers and then you get a commission when they subscribe.

Adopted by watchmaking professionals

The digital passport approved by the ecosystem

Each watch has a story, we write it together

Record each event in the life of the watches

Less than 20 minutes per watch to activate or update a Watch Certificate™ through the Authentication Lightbox provided to authorized partners.

Additional income

Sales and inspection

Receive a fee after each transaction:
the sale, the initial inspection and then on future updates - in case of revision, resale, etc.

Insurance referral

With a simple click, refer a client. As soon as they are insured,
you will receive a commission

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Benefits for your customers

The watch's passport carefully records its history. It includes a certificate of non-theft, and all transactions are recorded.
This document certifies the market value. It is signed by a recognized expert, making it acceptable to all insurance companies.

In the event of theft, serial numbers are blacklisted by the manufacturer and market players.

Your customers, your rules of the game

On your business account, all your customers are in one place so you can track their collection and contact them easily.

A complete monthly follow-up shows you all the transactions made as well as the complete inventory of your store. 


All inclusive and ready to deploy

Technologie et cartes physiques à fournir avec la montre. La tarification est dégressive selon les volumes.<<<

Contactez-nous dès maintenant pour obtenir une offre.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Will my customers have to change their habits to use Watch Certificate™?

No, Watch Certificate™ is designed to be simple to use, both for you and your customers, without requiring major changes in their habits.

Is Watch Certificate™ compatible with the systems I already use?

Yes, Watch Certificate™ is designed to integrate easily with current management systems, ensuring a smooth transition and optimization of your operations.

How can Watch Certificate™ improve the customer experience in my service center?

It offers total transparency on the work carried out, reinforcing customer confidence in the quality of your service and enhancing their satisfaction.

Is using Watch Certificate™ complicated for my team?

No, the interface is intuitive and easy to use. Just a quick training session and your team will be up and running in no time.

Does Watch Certificate™ allow me to better manage exchanges or repairs?

Yes, it centralizes the history of interventions, making it easier to track repairs, exchange information and improve transparency with your customers.

How can I integrate Watch Certificate™ into my operations without disrupting my business?

Watch Certificate™ integrates easily with your existing systems, with rapid installation and minimal training for your team, ensuring a smooth transition.

What additional services does Watch Certificate™ offer our customers?

By offering Watch Certificate™ to your customers, instead of a possible discount for example, you offer them a real ecosystem to keep the watch alive as long as possible. For you, it's a way to keep a link with your customer for future exchanges.

Where is the data stored? Are they visible on the blockchain?

Data is stored according to best practices in terms of security. The collection of personal data strictly complies with the European GDPR directive. Watch data is made forgery-proof thanks to the blockchain, to which end it is recorded in a transaction, enabling a third party to verify its integrity. Sensitive data (such as the owner's name or serial numbers) are not recorded on the blockchain.

How will new customers come to my store?

New customers will come to your store through our website or through search engines. By answering a need of authentication of watches, you will receive a new type of customer that you did not have before. It's up to you to offer them other services!

What are the requirements to join the Watch Certificate™ network?

To join our network, just send us your request here. We select the best watchmakers around the world, so the skills and equipment available meet the most demanding criteria to handle all watches with particular care.

How does Watch Certificate™ help me build customer loyalty?

Watch Certificate™ builds trust by offering a digital watch passport that includes maintenance scheduling tools, key date reminders, and automatic emails to stay in touch with your customers. This creates a lasting relationship by enabling your customers to keep their watch alive for as long as possible. For you, it's a way of maintaining an active link with them, maximizing opportunities for future exchanges and fostering loyalty.

Why join Watch Certificate™?

Independent and secure.

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NFT technology

Digital passports designed according to Web3 best practices, with the highest score in the OpenGem audit: 100/100

GDPR Compliance

The collection of personal data scrupulously complies with the European standards of the GDPR

Tamper proof

Third-party organization independent of luxury groups, based on a public blockchain and registered in France

Technology for the best watchmaking professionals

They participate in the Watch Certificate™ eco-system.

To be recontacted
by our sales teams

Be quickly contacted by our team of enthusiasts who will understand your needs and help you achieve your goals. 

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