The turnkey
watch passport

Offer your customers an enriched experience at every stage of their watch's life.
Simplify interventions, improve communication, and strengthen customer loyalty.

Watch certificate authentication card
mobile approlex watch

Maintenance booklet

Automated e-mails

Customer data sheets

rolex watch case

Maintenance booklet

Automated e-mails

Customer data sheets

They talk about us

A true digital passport

Our digital Watchmaker's Passport records each and every service. Offer complete traceability, strengthen customer confidence and increase watch value.

 Learn more


Every watch intervention is digitally recorded, ensuring a secure and complete watch history.


Proves the anteriority of a watch, even if a counterfeiter attempts to usurp the serial number.

Tamper proof

Registered on the blockchain, an NFT makes each watch passport unfalsifiable and unalterable.

More than just a watch passport

The all-in-one solution for monitoring, maintaining and protecting all watches.

Total traceability

Record every intervention for complete follow-up.

Automated communications

Build customer loyalty with automated emails.

Increase in value

Ensure transparency and increase the value of each watch.

They trust us

Antoine de macedo
red watch certificationblack watch certificationgold watch certificationSteel authentication certificate

They trust us

Collectors, Auction houses, Watchmakers, Manufacturers, Retailers, Service centers, Experts

Testimonial Image

"This is exactly what the new generation of collectors wants."

Rémi Guillemin
Director of the Watch Department at Christie's Geneva
Testimonial Image

"I'm in love with your concept, it's great."

David Faletic
Le Labo Horloger - Metz
Testimonial Image

"Very innovative! Watch Certificate™ allowed me to authenticate my Rolex and it was much easier to get it insured. I recommend."

Alexandre Pouteau
Partner watchmakers
Countries covered
Rarest watch
on Google Reviews

Advanced certification options

In addition to the simple watchmaking passport, we offer on-demand certification with rigorous inspection and expert verification, to provide your customers with an additional guarantee.


Buy your passport


Inspection by a watchmaker


Validation by an expert


Your passport is active

Certify my watch
luxury watch certification

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I don't have a counterfeiting problem, how can Watch Certificate™ help me?

Even without a counterfeiting problem, Watch Certificate™ improves customer confidence, facilitates resale and protects the integrity and authenticity of your watches.

The price must be very high and only reserved for top-of-the-range watches?

No, Watch Certificate™ is affordably priced and designed to be accessible to all watch ranges.

Do my customers have to pay anything?

No, Watch Certificate™ is a service fully supported by your brand, at no extra cost to your customers.

Is the data secure? What happens if Watch Certificate™ is bought out or disappears?

The data is secured with the highest standards and will remain accessible in the public blockhain even in the event of a change of ownership or cessation of Watch Certificate™ activity.

Will my retail partners think I'm trying to steal their customers?

No, Watch Certificate™ is designed to strengthen the relationship of trust with your retailers, without interfering with their commercial interactions.

Does Watch Certificate™ guarantee my customers' anonymity?

Yes, Watch Certificate™ ensures total protection of the confidentiality of your customers' data, guaranteeing their anonymity.

Watch Certificate™ must cost a lot of time and money to install and adapt to my brand?

No, installation is simple, quick and requires little investment of time and money. The solution is designed to adapt easily to your brand.

How quickly can the Watch Certificate™ solution be deployed?

The solution can be deployed in just a few days, depending on your specific requirements and the desired integration.

What does Watch Certificate™ offer me that a conventional warranty card doesn't?

Watch Certificate™ offers a forgery-proof digital certificate, reinforcing traceability, transparency and adding value to every watch.

Watch owner? Inspection and authentication on request

Watch Certificate™ offers owners advanced certification on demand. With 53 checkpoints, a minimum of 8 high-definition photos, a mandatory inspection by a certified watchmaker, and optional validation by an independent expert, everything is designed to offer an evolving, forgery-proof passport to your watch in no time.